Oregon’s Dirty Air Pollution Loophole

Support SB 197 to End Uncontrolled Air Pollution from Factory Farms

The Problem
Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), also known as factory farms, emit large amounts of air pollution, including methane, ammonia, nitrous oxide, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter. Yet Oregon has no air pollution control program to monitor and reduce factory farm pollution. While the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has long acknowledged the problem of factory farm air pollution, EPA fails to regulate the industry. In the face of federal inaction, states including Minnesota, California, and Idaho have adopted laws to reduce air pollution from factory farms. To date, Oregon has not adopted regulations to control air pollution from factory farms.

The Legislature Must Act – Pass SB 197
SB 197 would require that, by January 2019, state agencies responsible for environmental quality and agriculture establish a Dairy Air Emissions Program based on the consensus proposal of the 2008 Task Force. The bill would require state agencies to consult with diverse stakeholders through a rules advisory committee, and offer a public comment and review period.

Read our coalition fact sheet for more information