Preliminary Findings Report: Mosier, Oregon; Union Pacific Derailment

Statement from Brett VandenHeuvel, Executive Director of Columbia Riverkeeper, in response to the Federal Rail Administration’s “Preliminary Findings Report: Mosier, Oregon; Union Pacific Derailment” released June 23, 2016.

“The Federal Rail Administration's investigation blamed the oil train derailment in Mosier on Union Pacific's failure to maintain its tracks. Despite its dangerous tracks, Union Pacific claims it will restart oil trains this week. It is time for the FRA to listen to the requests of Senators Wyden and Merkley, Governor Brown, and local electeds, and issue an immediate moratorium on dangerous oil trains through the Columbia River Gorge.

Union Pacific continues to say it is a "common carrier" that must ship oil. We call on Union Pacific to ask the Federal Rail Administration for a moratorium on oil trains. This would relieve Union Pacific of any obligations. In reality, Union Pacific actively recruits more oil trains, putting corporate profits over public safety.

ODOT found these rusty and broken bolts on tracks after Mosier derailment. But UP wants to restart dangerous oil trains?

Additional information about the FRA Report:

  • "Until the underlying cause of the bolt failures is understood and, a means of detecting this defect is developed, we request a moratorium on running unit oil trains over sections of track that contain track fasteners of this material within the state of Oregon..." June 8 letter from ODOT to FRA.
  • The FRA Report does not identify the underlying cause of the bolt failures.
  • The FRA Report does not identify a means of detecting the lag bolt defect.
  • The FRA Report states that it is evaluating "potential enforcement actions, including violations, and other actions to ensure Union Pacific’s compliance with applicable safety regulations." The FRA fails to identify whether the agency is evaluating ODOT's request for a moratorium on running unit oil trains over section of track that contain the fasteners at issue in the Mosier derailment.

The Mosier, Oregon derailment on June 3, 2016, caused a fire and explosion that required school children and the surrounding community to evacuate, over 10,000 gallons to spill into the water treatment plant, and a spill into the Columbia River.