November Spotlight: Nichols Natural Areas Volunteers

This fall, over 100 volunteers helped plant trees, spread mulch, and pull weeds at the Nichols Natural Area. The site is transforming, and it’s all thanks to our amazing volunteers who brave the elements, bring their friends and families, and get their hands dirty to transform a former industrial site to thriving habitat.

November Spotlight: Nichols Natural Area Volunteers

By Lorri Epstein, Water Quality Director

At our Fall Planting Party, heavy rain and wind didn’t stop over 80 (!) volunteers from joining us at the Nichols Natural Area to plant native trees and shrubs. This diverse group included students, Latinx families, longtime Riverkeeper members, and new volunteers who were just learning about our work. They braved rain, wind, and occasional sun to help replant this former industrial site. An additional 35 volunteers helped us to pull invasive weeds and spread mulch at our Happy Hour for Habitat event. The work may not be glamorous, but it is critically important to restoration success. 

The Nichols Natural Area project connects people to the river and each other in new ways. We’re happy that so many community members want to help out. And the riparian plants are thriving, but we couldn’t have done it without our amazing volunteers!

Check out photos from our events here.