We know that removing these four dams is the centerpiece of any serious effort to prevent the extinction of Snake River salmon and Southern Resident orcas. 

May 12, 2020

WATCH: Removing Lower Snake River Dams to Protect Salmon and Orcas

By Miles Johnson, Senior Attorney

Scientists have been talking about Snake River Dam removal for decades. We know that removing these four dams is the centerpiece of any serious effort to prevent the extinction of Snake River salmon and Southern Resident orcas. And studies show that we can remove these dams without resorting to dirty fossil fuels or breaking the bank.

Columbia Riverkeeper extends a special thank you to Giulia Good Stefani, Senior Attorney at Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) for co-presenting. 

Want to learn more? Check out “Removing Lower Snake River Dams to Protect Salmon and Orcas” virtual presentation that aired on May 12, 2020, as a part of the “Love Your Columbia Community” online series:
Here are three ways to get involved:
  1. Take Action: Join Columbia Riverkeeper in sending a thank you note to Gov. Inslee and Ecology Director Laura Watson. In a game-changing decision for struggling Southern Resident orcas and endangered salmon, Washington state will exercise its authority under the Clean Water Act to improve water quality and lower lethal river temperatures in the Columbia and Snake rivers.
  2. Stay Connected: Love Your Columbia Community is a new series of online support and activism during these hard times featuring inspiration, conversations on digital platforms, and fun activities for kids.
  3. Watch: Check out CNN’s climate feature “How a dead whale gave new life to the debate over dams in the Pacific Northwest” including an interview with Columbia Riverkeeper. 
Watch: Fewer salmon are surviving migration Here’s why that matters!

Together we can help prevent the extinction of Snake River salmon, Southern Resident orcas, and Northwest salmon cultures. If you are able, please donate today to Columbia Riverkeeper to support this important work.