WATCH: Standing up to Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Webinar

Attorneys Working on the Frontlines Share their Challenges and Perspectives of Standing Up to Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks

August 7, 2020

By Erin Saylor, Staff Attorney

In little more than three years, the Trump administration has reversed, revoked, or otherwise gutted more than 100 environmental rules and regulations. This unprecedented weakening of our nation’s environmental laws has largely been carried out at the behest of industry lobbyists looking to fast track polluting projects. But we are fighting back.

Columbia Riverkeeper extends a special thank you to Tarah Heinzen, a Senior Staff Attorney from Food & Water Watch, and Andrew Hawley, a Staff Attorney from the Western Environmental Law Center, for sharing their extensive knowledge and perspective with respect to Trump’s significant weakening of the Clean Water Act. Tarah provided an overview of the Trump administration’s new rule which removes many waterways from Clean Water Act protection, as well as insight into Food & Water Watch’s legal challenge to that rule.

Standing Up to Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks:

Andrew Hawley discussed the importance of Clean Water Act section 401—an important provision that gives state and tribal governments the ability to ensure federal projects meet state water quality standards. Andrew discussed the Trump administration’s recent move to drastically limit state and tribal authority, as well as the Western Environmental Law Center’s recent legal challenge.

Finally, I wrapped up with an overview of the Administration’s very recent gutting of the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The new regulations—clearly done at the bidding of the fossil fuel industry— drastically limit the ability of federal agencies to consider climate change and make it significantly harder for low-income and minority communities to speak out against dirty, dangerous projects.

Rest assured that we are working hard to undo these new regulations before they can harm our air, water, and health. If you are able, please donate to Columbia Riverkeeper, and together we will continue standing up to Trump’s crusade against the environment.


·  Standing up to Trump’s Environmental Rollbacks Presentation Slides