Webinar Recap: Six Images: Our Journey With Water, Activism, and Social Justice.

In a moving conversation inspired by six images and two prominent and wonderful Indigenous activists, we explore the journey of water, activism, and social justice

July 22, 2020

On July 21, 2020, we hosted a webinar featuring Cathy Sampson-Kruse (Waluulapum Band, Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation) and Emily Washines (Yakama, Cree, Skokomish) sharing personal stories about today’s pandemic, social justice, and their family history. Cathy and Emily exude warmth and compassion while sharing some of their struggles and joys. Check out the webinar below:

Six Images: Our Journey with Water, Activism, and Social Justice.

The conversation ranged from Yakama Nation’s court battle to protect its rights during the last pandemic, to indigenous knowledge in restoring wetlands, to first first foods ceremonies in the time of COVID. Both members of our Board of Directors, Cathy and Emily also spoke about how they got involved with Columbia Rivekeeper and why they continue to support our work. 

The conversation, titled Six images: Our journey with water, activism, and social justice, was part 2 of our Love Your Columbia summer webinar series. Brett VandenHeuvel, executive director, joined the conversation as well.