What is the Latest on the Hanford Nuclear Site Cleanup?

Staff Attorney Simone Anter gives a history lesson about the former nuclear site nestled along the Columbia’s banks, and shares why it is a place worth fighting for.

November 3, 2021

Thank you for Attending Our Webinar on the Latest News on Hanford Cleanup

By Simone Anter, Staff Attorney

Thank you for joining Columbia Riverkeeper as we talked to Caroline Cress, an Assistant Attorney General in the Ecology Division of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office, McClure Tosch, the Natural Resource Injury Assessment Coordinator for the Yakama Nation Environmental Restoration / Waste Management Program, and Nikolas Peterson, the Deputy and Legal Director at Hanford Challenge, as we discussed the upcoming comment period related to the relabeling and grouting of tank waste as part of Hanford’s Test Bed Initiative (TBI). 

Miss the webinar? No problem, check it out here:

On November 5, The U.S. Dept. of Energy (Energy) opened a 90 day public comment period on its plan to use the Draft Waste Incidental to Reprocessing (WIR) Evaluation to analyze waste in Tank SY-101.The plan? Relabel and grout the tank waste as part of Hanford’s TBI. The bottom line? The TBI will determine the future of radioactive tank waste at Hanford. Keep an eye on your email for Riverkeeper’s upcoming take action petition and fact sheet.

The fight for a just and robust cleanup at Hanford continues!