New Agreement Reached on Superfund Site Cleanup at Bonneville Dam 

Kelly Campbell, Policy Director, Columbia Riverkeeper

Bradford Island Federal Facilities Agreement (Finally) Signed! Now it’s Time for Action.

For decades, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers dumped industrial waste on Bradford Island and in the Columbia River at Bonneville Dam, releasing toxic chemicals into the water and sediment. 

As a result, resident fish around Bradford Island have the highest levels of cancer-causing PCB contamination of any fish in the United States, making them unsafe to eat. 

The results of this contamination extend far beyond Bradford Island and greatly impact Tribal and diverse communities who depend on these fish to sustain their livelihoods and cultures.

The Columbia River and those who rely on it deserve better. 

Yakama Nation has spent more than two decades demanding the federal government clean up its toxic waste. As a result, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency designated Bradford Island and surrounding waters as a Superfund Site. Columbia Riverkeeper is proud to work in solidarity with Tribes to fight for a swift, effective cleanup that results in clean water and toxic-free fish. Join us to support the call for immediate and thorough cleanup of Bradford Island and the Columbia River.

Now that federal agencies have signed off on a cleanup agreement, we need you to take action!

Tell our congressional delegation to put pressure on the Army Corp for a thorough, timely cleanup of Bradford Island and surrounding waters.