Siobhán O’Halloran

Finance & Administration Director  |  (541) 399-3432

Siobhán O’Halloran (she/her) works to ensure a strong organizational and financial foundation to support the work and mission of Columbia Riverkeeper. Siobhan brings over a decade of experience in operations, finance, and compliance, as well as having served six years on a working board of a small nonprofit. Siobhan grew up in the Gorge and being outside, especially on the water, is where she is most happy and feels at home.

What inspires you to do this work?

I’m inspired by the dedication to clean water and thriving communities, and a sense of responsibility to be a good steward of the earth. Being part of that work also gives me hope for the future and a stronger sense of connectedness to our region.

Meet the Team

Riverkeeper’s team includes scientists, environmental lawyers, and community organizers. We work to organize and empower local communities, enforce environmental laws, and build strategic coalitions. Our mission is to protect and restore the Columbia River and all life connected to it.