Dan Serres

Advocacy Director

dan@columbiariverkeeper.org  |  (503) 890-2441 

Dan (he/him) works to engage diverse communities along the Columbia. In 2005, he started with Columbia Riverkeeper as an organizer in our successful campaign to protect the Columbia River Estuary, forests, and farmland from the Bradwood Landing and Oregon LNG Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) proposals and their related pipelines. Since 2009, he has filled the role of Conservation Director where his work broadened to work with communities to protect the Columbia River from a barrage of dirty fossil fuel export proposals, including LNG export terminals, coal export terminals, oil-by-rail facilities, and fracked gas power plants. Dan was a member of the Hanford Advisory Board, and he supports Riverkeeper’s efforts to clean up Hanford. Dan’s background is in Earth Systems science, energy policy, and community organizing. 

What inspires you to do this work?

I am inspired to do this work by the people and communities along the Columbia River. I have often seen community-based activism have an outstanding impact in protecting and improving our water quality and the health of communities across the region. This has a tangible benefit for Columbia River communities, and for communities far beyond our region. It’s an honor to be part of this effort.

Meet the Team

Riverkeeper’s team includes scientists, environmental lawyers, and community organizers. We work to organize and empower local communities, enforce environmental laws, and build strategic coalitions. Our mission is to protect and restore the Columbia River and all life connected to it.