Kate Murphy

Senior Community Organizer

kate@columbiariverkeeper.org  |  (541) 399-5666 

Kate (she/her) works to support community members along the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington, engaging residents and fighting to protect our region from fossil fuel refineries, pipelines, terminals, and other threats to the Columbia River ecosystem. 

Her background includes public health, international exchange programs, project management, and community organizing in the areas of environmental justice, climate action, and access to healthcare services. Kate is interested in environmental and social justice issues with a specific focus on protecting our natural environment and identifying and improving environmental impacts on health outcomes. 

What inspires you to do this work?

I am inspired by the people I collaborate with: community members, volunteers, coalition partners, and my colleagues. The environmental justice victories we accomplish when we work together to protect what we love. The beauty of the natural world, the drive to protect it for future generations, and the importance of protecting the health and safety of people and the environment.

Meet the Team

Riverkeeper’s team includes scientists, environmental lawyers, and community organizers. We work to organize and empower local communities, enforce environmental laws, and build strategic coalitions. Our mission is to protect and restore the Columbia River and all life connected to it.