Take Action: Connect Oregon

The Port of Columbia (Port) is asking for over $2.3 million of public funds to finance its tenants’ compliance with Oregon’s new seismic resiliency requirements for large fuel storage and transportation facilities.

While Columbia Riverkeeper supports these new requirements, we cannot support using public money in ways that would only benefit one or two large fuel-exporting companies. If large energy companies want to use the Port, then they should have to pay for their own infrastructure. 

Sign our petition urging the Oregon Transportation Commission to deny the Port of Columbia’s Connect Oregon Grant application.

To the Oregon Transportation Commission,

Please deny the Port of Columbia County’s (Port) Connect Oregon grant application for the Beaver Dock at Port Westward. The purpose of Connect Oregon is to finance transportation projects that positively impact the public—the Port’s application contradicts this purpose. The Port’s project exclusively benefits two fuel corporations that do more harm than good to the surrounding communities. These large, profit-driven ventures should be responsible for funding the infrastructure they need. 

The Port’s project is designed to benefit NEXT Renewable Fuels’ proposed non-conventional diesel refinery at the Port. If built, the NEXT refinery will result in over one million tons of local greenhouse gas emissions per year, destroy over 100 acres of wetlands, harm local farms, and increase the risk of fuel spills into the Columbia River Estuary. Subsidizing this controversial and speculative project is an irresponsible use of public funds and undermines Oregon’s progress toward carbon neutrality.

The Port’s proposal would divert public funds to benefit a few corporations. I urge you to uphold the integrity of the Connect Oregon Grant by ensuring that it is used exclusively for transportation projects that serve the public interest and enhance our community’s infrastructure. 
