Bradford Island Cleanup

People rely on clean water and toxic-free fish. That’s why Columbia Riverkeeper uses the law and grassroots organizing to advocate for cleanup at polluted sites like Bradford Island and surrounding waters.

Read our latest blog: 
Bradford Island Superfund Site Listing Two Year Anniversary—What’s Up with Cleanup?

This spring marks two years since Bradford Island and surrounding waters was listed as a Superfund site and we are still waiting for cleanup to begin. 

Cleanup Agreement to be Public Soon

There is good news. The Federal Facility Agreement (FFA), which is an agreement between agencies that is needed to guide the cleanup, is finally in the process of being completed! Two years after the listing and one year after the promised deadline, it looks like the FFA will be completed, signed, and made public this spring—a big step in moving forward with the cleanup. In the meantime, we’ve been pushing hard for cleanup to move ahead and engaging Columbia river communities to become involved in the cleanup process. 

Columbia Riverkeeper is now working to procure their independent technical advisor via a Request for Proposals. For more information about Columbia Riverkeeper’s search for a technical advisor and their overall work, please contact

Watch Ubaldo Hernández, senior community organizer with Columbia Riverkeeper, share the most recent update on Bradford Island. 

En Español: “La Isla de Bradford: