Emerging Issues

Learn about emerging issues in the Columbia River Basin

Columbia Riverkeeper is committed to keeping up with the latest threats and opportunities on the Columbia and its tributaries. 

Current Projects

algal blooms on the shore of the Columbia river, photo courtesy oregon.gov

Harmful Algal Blooms

Sick dogs, scummy water, and distressing media stories. Algal blooms are becoming more common in the Columbia River. This FAQ explains harmful algae blooms, how they impact the Columbia and human health, and what we can do about them. Let’s dig in. What are harmful algal blooms? Algae are simple,…

Austin Point Industrial Development

The Port of Woodland intends to develop farmlands and riparian habitat at the confluence of the Lewis and Columbia rivers, near the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge, into a deep-water industrial port and rail loop. The Columbia River Estuary contains some of the most biologically productive ecosystems in the world. Why?…

Transmission Cable Under the Columbia

Cascade Renewable wants to bury and operate a transmission cable under the Columbia River from the Dalles to Portland. Our goal: ensure federal and state decisionmakers protect the salmon and river health. Cascade Renewable Transmission wants to bury a 100-mile transmission cable under the Columbia River from The Dalles to…

Other Emerging Issues

Clear Branch Dam

Did you know the Clear Branch Dam, located in the Mt. Hood National Forest near Parkdale, OR, fails to comply with current dam safety and environmental compliance standards. Stay tuned for public engagement opportunities.

Upper Columbia Superfund Proposal

Thanks to years of leadership by Tribes, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering designating 150-miles of the Upper Columbia in northeastern Washington state as a Superfund cleanup site.