Fighting Fossil Fuels

Columbia Riverkeeper unites communities to protect the Columbia and climate from fossil fuels

We have an ambitious goal: defeat every new and expanded fossil fuel infrastructure project—and leverage climate victories to advocate for long-term solutions to the climate crisis.

Working with frontline communities, Tribal Nations, and coalitions, Columbia Riverkeeper has defeated over a dozen coal export, oil-by-rail, and fracked-gas terminals and pipelines. Our momentum is strong, but big threats remain.

Current Campaigns

NXT Energy Refinery

A proposed non-conventional diesel refinery would be one of Oregon’s largest greenhouse gas emitters. With…
A fracked gas pipeline that threatens the Pacific Northwest

GTN Xpress Fracked Gas Pipeline

GTN Xpress is a fossil fuel industry scheme to pump more fracked gas into an…
A large truck with a protest sign that reads, "Stop Zenith Oil" "Drive the Snakes out of Portland"

Zenith Oil-by-Rail

Since 2017, we have joined with community members and nonprofits to fight the Zenith oil-by-rail…

The Problem

For nearly two decades, the Columbia has faced an unprecedented number of coal, oil, and gas-shipping terminals. 

Pollution from fossil fuel facilities disproportionately impacts Tribal Nations and BIPOC, low-income, and rural communities. Investing in long-term fossil fuel infrastructure impedes our progress toward renewable energy and clean fuels.

Why It Matters

Columbia River Tribes and communities along the Columbia are experiencing the climate crisis’ impacts: Wildfires. Rising river temperatures. Reduced river flows. The list goes on.

Fossil-fuel infrastructure like refineries, fracked gas pipelines, and oil-by-rail also poses serious risks to clean water and people who live near facilities or rail lines. Together, we can make a difference for our climate and the Columbia. 

Take Action

overhead view of Zenith energy site

Stop Zenith Oil-By-Rail

PETITION: Stop dangerous oil-by-rail in our communities. Read more

Take Action: Port Westward

PETITION: Tell DEQ and Gov. Kotek to protect the Columbia River and our climate from NEXT’s pollution and greenwashing. We need your help! Call Gov. Kotek today and ask her ... Read more Read more

How We Fight for the Climate:

Fight Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

Support Local & State Climate Action

Advocate for a Just Transition

Rise to the Challenge: Advocate for a Just Transition