Columbia Riverkeeper fights for clean water.
We take polluters to court when the government turns its back on illegal pollution. We advocate for stronger laws to reduce toxic pollution in fish and drinking water. And we push government agencies to take action for clean water.
People that rely on locally caught fish need you to take a stand.
– Lauren Goldberg, Executive Director, Columbia Riverkeeper
Bradford Island Cleanup Dam Oil Leaks Enforce the Law Factory Farms Pollution Prevention
How We Protect Clean Water
Enforce the Law
Advocate for Toxic Cleanup
Hold Government Accountable
Push for Stronger Laws
Promote Science
Watchdog Permits to Pollute
Take Action
Take Action: Goldendale
Urge the U.S. Army Corps To Honor Tribal Sovereignty! With the Goldendale Pumped Storage Project, Rye Development and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners are proposing to inundate an…
Stop GTN
Tell FERC to Deny TC Energy’s GTN XPress Gas Pipeline Expansion. On October 19, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authorized a huge expansion of…
Stop GTN
Tell FERC to Deny TC Energy’s GTN XPress Gas Pipeline Expansion. On October 19, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authorized a huge expansion of…