New Video: We Demand Life, Not Extinction

Demand life; demand Lower Snake River dam removal

By Miles Johnson, Senior Attorney

Snake River salmon and steelhead are running out of time. We need everyone in the Pacific Northwest, and beyond, to demand that our leaders not accept the extinction of Snake River salmon. 

Snake River dam removal is gaining momentum. As this new video explains, we have a chance to stop extinction and restore abundant salmon runs.

The science is clear: preventing extinction means removing the four Lower Snake River dams. But we cannot do it without your help.

Call the Senators below and tell them to take action and remove Snake River dams—before it’s too late.

  • Senator Wyden (OR):  202-224-5244
  • Senator Merkley (OR):  202-224-3753
  • Senator Cantwell (WA):  202-224-3441
  • Senator Murray (WA):  202-224-2621
  • Senator Crapo (ID): 202-224-6142
  • Senator Risch (ID): 202-224-2752

Want to do more?

  • AMPLIFY: Help us raise awareness by sharing this video far and wide (FacebookInstagramTwitterYouTube). 
  • DONATE: Your gift will power meaningful actions to force much-needed change. 
  • TAKE ACTION: sign our petition below.