
Homebodies & Waterbodies Recap

Dr. Arlene Blum, Executive Director with the Green Science Policy Institute, spoke about the harmful chemicals found in household items, how they end up in the river, their impacts, and what you can do. Read more

Zenith Lyrics

In anticipation of our long-overdue breakup with Zenith Energy, we are put together a breakup remix, lyrics included so you can sing-along. Read more


A growing body of science shows pharmaceuticals are reaching the Columbia River. How? Pharmaceuticals enter the Columbia through human excretion, when people flush drugs down the toilet, and from livestock operations. Read more


Hacia el final de Enero, Columbia Riverkeeper colaboró con la Poeta Galardonada de Washington State, Claudia Castro Luna, para ofrecer un taller de poesía digital todo-en-español para los niños y sus familias. Read more

Zenith Actions

Willamette Riverkeeper and Columbia Riverkeeper sent Zenith Energy Terminal Holdings, LLC a sixty-day notice of intent to sue under the Clean Water Act, alleging that the company unlawfully started construction to expand its Portland, Oregon, oil-train terminal without a required construction stormwater permit from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Read more

Oil Leaks from Dams

Today’s oil spill comes over six years after the Army Corps agreed to stop violating the Clean Water Act and obtain required pollution reduction permits from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Read more