Stopping Pollution

Columbia Riverkeeper fights for clean water.

We take polluters to court when the government turns its back on illegal pollution. We advocate for stronger laws to reduce toxic pollution in fish and drinking water. And we push government agencies to take action for clean water.

People that rely on locally caught fish need you to take a stand.

– Lauren Goldberg, Executive Director, Columbia Riverkeeper

Bradford Island Cleanup Dam Oil Leaks Enforce the Law Factory Farms Pollution Prevention

How We Protect Clean Water

Enforce the Law

Riverkeeper cracks down on illegal pollution by enforcing the Clean Water Act. In recent years, Riverkeeper brought legal actions against more than 50 facilities that discharged illegal pollution. Our lawsuits deliver results; we stop 50,000 pounds of toxic pollution per year. 

Advocate for Toxic Cleanup

We use the law and grassroots organizing to ensure corporations and the federal government clean up toxic waste sites on the Columbia River. Learn more about Riverkeeper’s campaign to hold the federal government accountable for toxic pollution near a popular fishing area: the Bradford Island cleanup.

Hold Government Accountable

State and federal decisionmakers often buckle under pressure from corporations. That’s where we step in. Riverkeeper challenges government decisions that ignore the law and the public’s right to clean water.

Push for Stronger Laws

Riverkeeper works for accurate, protective toxic pollution limits—called water quality standards—to reduce cancer-causing pollution in the Columbia. Water quality standards set limits on how much pollution is allowed in a river—that’s important. While it’s not glamorous to push state agencies to adopt better pollution limits, that’s what we do!

Promote Science

Riverkeeper supports studies to understand how pollution impacts the Columbia’s fish and wildlife. By sharing our water quality data with government agencies, partnering with academic institutions, and hosting science education events, help everyone better understand the Columbia.

Watchdog Permits to Pollute

Thousands of facilities in Oregon and Washington hold permits to discharge pollution into the Columbia River. Our legal team evaluates permits and advocates for tougher pollution limits.

Take Action

Take Action: Goldendale

Urge the U.S. Army Corps To Honor Tribal Sovereignty! With the Goldendale Pumped Storage Project, Rye Development and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners are proposing to inundate an…

Stop GTN

Tell FERC to Deny TC Energy’s GTN XPress Gas Pipeline Expansion. On October 19, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authorized a huge expansion of…

Stop GTN

Tell FERC to Deny TC Energy’s GTN XPress Gas Pipeline Expansion. On October 19, 2023, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) authorized a huge expansion of…

Take a stand for clean water and healthy communities.